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Newsletter Consent Information

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Please read the legal information regarding our newsletter.

E-Newsletter Explicit Consent Text

MOL TURKEY DENİZCİLİK VE LOJİSTİK TİC. A.Ş. acting in the capacity of data controller "" domain name website; to process my "name, surname, e-mail address" information limited to the purposes of contacting me and sending e-mails to me in this sense in accordance with the "Law on the Regulation of Electronic Commerce" and all relevant sub-legislation for personalized marketing activities and events such as product-service promotion, gifts, discounts, new opportunities and special offers, announcements, advertisements, campaigns; to share these data with companies providing e-mail delivery services, to process my "MOL TURKEY DENIZCİLİK VE LOJİSTİK TİC. A.Ş. to send me commercial electronic messages within the scope of the E-Newsletter Explicit Consent Text." I am aware that by checking the box, I will have given my consent.